CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 27
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 27 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1998-10].iso
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Text File
230 lines
; ______ ______ __
; / ____// __ // /
; / /___ / /_/ // / ______ __ __ ______ _____
; /___ // ____// / / __ / \ \/ // ____// .__/
; ____/ // / / /_ / __ / \ // __/_ / /
; /_____//_/ /___//_/ /_/ / //_____//_/
; /_/
; $VER: SPlayer_Install 0.88 (Apr-2-1998)
; splayer ©1996-1998 by Allan Versaevel
; splayer Installer ©1998 by Robert C. Reiswig
; If you wish to use any part of this installer you must ask. May not be
; integrated/placed into any other package! You may NOT change this in an way!
; Changes, suggestions or problems: vgr@best.com
(set osver (/ (getversion "LIBS:version.library") 65536))
(set vernum1 (getversion "splayer"))
(set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) )
(set splayerver (cat ver1 "." rev1))
; English Strings
(set #about (cat "\n\n\n\nWelcome to SPlayer 1.9a \n\n\n©1996-1998 by Allan Versaevel\n") ) ; for some reason the version stoped working so I hard wired this.
(set #todo-prompt "\nWhat parts of SPlayer do you wish to install?\n")
(set #splayer " SPlayer")
(set #extrabin " Extra bins (Needed)")
(set #fonts " fonts (Needed)")
(set #play16 " Play16 (Needed)")
(set #gaip16 " GAIP16 (Needed)")
(set #wheresplayer "Where do you wish to install SPlayer. A directory called 'SPlayer' will be created.")
(set #whereplay16 "Where do you wish to install the Play16 program. A directory will not be created.")
(set #wheregaip16 "Where do you wish to install the GAIP16 program. A directory will not be created.")
(set #askcpu "\nWhat version of Play16 would you like to install?\n")
(set #whatdocs "\nWhat SPlayer documentation would you like to install? (The selected ones will be copied over if they are found in this archive.)\n")
(set #wheredocs "Where would you like the SPlayer documentation you selected to be installed?")
(set #doconfig "\nDo you wish to:\n")
(set #yconfig " Make new config, delete old one. [Suggested]")
(set #nconfig " Use current config file.")
(set #wheresgapi "Where do you have Gaip16 installed for AHI support?")
(set #wheresplay16 "Please select where the file 'Play16' is located.")
(set #wheresMpega "Please select where the file 'mpega' is located.")
(set #byebye (cat "\nSPlayer Install Complete!\n\n" " "))
; Hello
(message #about)
; Ask user what to install
(set ToDo (askoptions (choices #splayer #extrabin #fonts #gaip16) ;#play16
(prompt #todo-prompt)
(help #todo-prompt)
(default 31)
; Ask where to Install splayer
(set splayerdir (askdir (prompt #wheresplayer)
(help #wheresplayer)
(default "sys:")
(set where splayerdir)
(set @default-dest where)
; Make Directory and copy over splayer
(if (IN ToDo 0)
(if (< (exists (tackon where "SPlayer")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "SPlayer") (infos)) )
(copyfiles (source "SPlayer") (dest (tackon where "splayer")) (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
(if (IN ToDo 1)
;;(if (< (exists "s:SPlayer") 2) (makedir "s:SPlayer"))
;;(copyfiles (source "bin/s/SPlayer") (dest "s:splayer") (all) (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
;;(copyfiles (source "bin/led") (dest "C:") (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
(if (< (exists "envarc:SPlayer") 2) (makedir "envarc:SPlayer") )
(if (< (exists "env:SPlayer") 2) (makedir "env:SPlayer") )
(copyfiles (source "bin/Prefs/Env-Archive/SPlayer/SPlayer.images") (dest "env:SPlayer") (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
(copyfiles (source "bin/Prefs/Env-Archive/SPlayer/SPlayer.images") (dest "envarc:SPlayer") (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
;(if (< osver 39)
; (copyfiles (source "bin/RequestFile") (dest "C:") (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
(if (IN ToDo 2)
(copyfiles (source "fonts") (dest "fonts:") (all) (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
(if (IN ToDo 3)
(set gaip16dir (askdir (prompt #wheregaip16) (help #wheregaip16) (default "C:") ) )
(copyfiles (source "bin/GAIP16") (dest gaip16dir) (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
;(if (IN ToDo 4)
; (
; (set play16dir (askdir (prompt #whereplay16) (help #whereplay16) (default (tackon where "SPlayer")) ) )
; (set gcpu 0)
; (if (AND (> #cpu 1) (exists ("Play16_1.7/Play16'020")) ) (set gcpu 1) )
; (set cpuPick (askchoice (choices "68000" "68020")
; (prompt #askcpu)
; (help #askcpu)
; (default gcpu)
; )
; )
; (if (AND (= cpuPick 1) (exists ("Play16_1.7/Play16'020")) )
; ((copyfiles (source "Play16_1.7/Play16'020") (dest play16dir) (newname "Play16") (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
; (copyfiles (source "Play16_1.7/Play16.info") (dest play16dir) (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
; )
; (copyfiles (source "Play16_1.7/Play16") (dest play16dir) (infos) (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
; )
; (copylib (source "Play16_1.7/libs/asyncio.library") (dest "libs:") (optional "askuser" "force" "nofail") )
; )
; Ask where and if docs are wanted.
(set docs (askoptions (choices " SPlayer.guide" ) ; " SPlayer.doc"
(prompt #whatdocs)
(help #whatdocs)
(default 3)
(if (<> docs 0)
(set docsdir (askdir (prompt #wheredocs)
(help #wheredocs)
(default (tackon where "SPlayer"))
(if (AND (exists "splayer.guide") (IN docs 0))
(copyfiles (source "SPlayer.guide") (dest docsdir) (infos) (optional "nofail") )
(if (< (exists (tackon docsdir "GuidePics")) 2) (makedir (tackon docsdir "GuidePics")) )
(copyfiles (source "GuidePics") (dest (tackon docsdir "GuidePics")) (all) (optional "nofail") )
(if (AND (exists "splayer.doc") (IN docs 1))
(copyfiles (source "SPlayer.doc") (dest docsdir) (infos) (optional "nofail") )
; Check for S:SPlayer/Splayer.prefs ...
(set doconfig 0)
(if (= (exists "ENV:SPlayer/Splayer.prefs") 1)
(set doconfig (askchoice (choices #yconfig #nconfig)
(prompt #doconfig)
(help #doconfig)
(default docongif)
(if (= doconfig 0)
;(set gaip16dir (askdir (prompt #wheresgapi)
; (help #wheresgapi)
; (default "SYS:")
; )
(set play16dir (askdir (prompt #wheresplay16)
(help #wheresplay16)
(default "C:")
(set MpegaDir (askdir (prompt #wheresMpega)
(help #wheresMpega)
(default "C:")
(set configwrite (cat (tackon play16dir "Play16") "*" (tackon MpegaDir "Mpega") "*" (tackon gaip16dir "GAIP16") "*" "0/0*131075*0000*000000*0000*110*4*64*0")); this had to be changes. Added more stuff to my prefs.
;;(message configwrite)
(if (< (exists "envarc:SPlayer") 2) (makedir "envarc:SPlayer") )
(if (< (exists "env:SPlayer") 2) (makedir "env:SPlayer") )
(textfile (dest "ENV:SPlayer/Splayer.prefs") (append configwrite))
(copyfiles (source "ENV:SPlayer/Splayer.prefs") (dest "ENVARC:SPlayer") (optional "nofail") )
; End Bye
(set @default-dest (tackon where "splayer"))
(exit #byebye)